Sunday, January 18, 2009

Jacob Castroll of Jacob Castroll Insurance presents Rick Rabins, President of The Village Gardeners, with grant check.

Safeco Insurance Foundation gives generously in support of the Valleyheart Riverwalk Greenway, in Studio City and Sherman Oaks. Funds to be used to purchase trash cans, sanitary dog-waste bag dispensers, plants and more for L.A. River between Coldwater Cyn Ave and Fulton Ave. Special thanks to Jacob Castroll of Jacob Castroll Insurance for nominating The Village Gardeners through Safeco’s Agent Giving Program. for more info.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Dear Village Gardeners Supporters,

I hope you all had a great holiday season!

I want to express my appreciation for your support over the past year. We have made a great deal of progress, which I'd like to briefly explain.

We have recently received a Letter of Support from L.A. County for our Valleyheart Riverwalk Greenway. Unfortunately, we were unable to compete in the city's Community Beautification Grant program with our "Steps to the Riverwalk" project. However, the county is so supportive they have decided to move ahead starting with a "Concept Report", the first step in the planning of a new LA River greenway, to improve the entire 1/2 mile stretch from Coldwater Cyn Ave to Fulton Ave (north side of river). I have been told that the draft Concept Report should be ready soon.

We have recently received a generous $5,000 Grant from Safeco Insurance Foundation, and a generous $2,500 contribution from Councilmember Jack Weiss of Council District - 5, with special thanks to his field deputy Joan Pelico. Also, there have been several contributions of up to $1,000 each. We can use these funds to purchase new trash cans with self closing lids, Sanitary Dog Waste Bag Dispensers, plants and more, in 2009!

We are planning to develop the irrigated area around the Outdoor Classroom into a model California Native Plant Garden, in 2009. We will accomplish this with the help of volunteers from the community, including neighborhood schools. With the anticipated continued support we received in 2008, I predict 2009 will be another very productive year for us.

Wishing you all the best in the New Year!


Rick Rabins
The Village Gardeners of the Los Angeles River

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Previous Events

Oct. 19, 2008, Sunday - The Village Gardeners and FOLAR partnered River Walk Event. Join us for a 1 mile walk to learn what the Village Gardeners is doing to beautify our adopted stretch of the L.A. River in Studio City & Sherman Oaks. Meet at 12953 Valleyheart Dr, Studio City, 91604, just west of Coldwater Cyn Ave (north side of river). 4:30 - 6:00 P.M.

October 26, 2008, Sunday
- "Make a Difference Day"
Studio City - Sherman Oaks Rotary, Studio City Beautification, and The Village Gardeners are sponsoring a volunteer, L.A. River Beautification Event from 9:00 A.M. - Noon at the Richard Lillard Outdoor Classroom in Studio City. Help us restore natural habitat along the river. Join us for fun, light slope restoration, planting, mulching and refreshments at the Outdoor Classroom on Valleyheart Dr. south at Longridge Ave.Please RSVP by Oct 24: mail

The Village Gardeners will donate $5 to PATH (People Assisting the Homeless) for each volunteer that participates in this event.


Help The Village Gardeners restore natural habitat along the L.A. River, in Studio City, at the Richard Lillard Outdoor Classroom. Join us for fun with light restoration, planting & mulching. Public welcome. 10 A.M. - Noon. Location: Valleyheart Dr. at Longridge Ave. (south side of river). For directions go to: